Wait – you’ll get through this

The light is always stronger than darkness. There is always light coming through; whatever season you are in. God has not abandoned you. God doesn’t come and go. God lasts! Wait upon Him! He will be there for you! You will get through this with Him. “Why would you ever complain, O Jacob, or, whine,…

Multitasking – a blessing or a curse?

I’ve been very good at multitasking! Ive always been capable of doing things well and do a lot. I’ve been the good girl (reipas tyttö) who no one else need to worry about. I have had an ability to carry lots of things at the same time: both at work and private. It has been…

Flat tire – learning the art of resting

For a few years now, a deep fatigue has been sneaking up on me. I’ve been coping, trying to neither carry too much nor too many, but I’ve just been pushing forward. Fighting. And resting as much as possible. It has though felt as I’m having some sort of “heavy thing” hanging over me. Don’t…

Beautiful Contradictions

Life is not a high way of stars and easy living. Rather it is days filled with life. And life is not predictable. Life is contradicting and full of surprises. Life is both beautiful and horrifying. It is hard work and pleasure; experiences you’d like to avoid and the most amazing moments. This is the…

Let your speech always be gracious

Hello everyone! I am happy you dropped in again! Today I want us to think about the power of our words and our tongue. The thing is, I am a women of many words.  And I might sometimes have a temper that I don’t like at all, and that my husband don’t like at all…


I want to share about a personal revelation today – a revelation that is nothing new under the sun, but a revelation that can not be talked about too much! And that is “the attitude of thankfulness” What is thankfulness? / What does the Bible say about it? You know – the Bible talks a…

I am here again!

Welcome I’m here in the blog world once again! I started this blog 10 years ago – but apparently life got too busy with two small boys, so there is now a gap of 8 years between this and the previous post. Today I decided to resurrect the blog and start to write again. So…