Let your speech always be gracious

the power of you tongue_bog

Hello everyone!

I am happy you dropped in again!

Today I want us to think about the power of our words and our tongue. The thing is, I am a women of many words.  And I might sometimes have a temper that I don’t like at all, and that my husband don’t like at all either. This combination can cause trouble every now and then. You know what I mean. This make me very aware of what kind of power a tongue can have! This also makes me even more eager to keep a clean heart and a sound mind and a fresh spirit every day. Because what is in there, in my heart, in my soul and spirit, will certainly come out! And that can be both a scary show or a beautiful moment.

 So as always, I have dropped my head into the Bible to look for what God has to say about this! Because He is still my and your creator and might have a good clue on how to do things, also when it comes to this!

So much power
“The tongue” is used throughout the Bible in both literal and metaphorical ways, especially in Psalms, Proverbs, and James. The tongue is a “small part of the body” (James 3:5), yet Proverbs 18:21 says it “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits”. This holds true whether we’re speaking of spiritual, physical, or emotional “life and death.”

I mean we might not need to use all of our imagination, but the tongue can cause even physical life and death. Words create actions, good and bad.

And as we all know, our emotions are also powerfully affecting us by words spoken to us! Both good and bad.

Proverbs 15:4 describes a “healing” tongue as “a tree of life.” As much as love is an action, what would romance be without words? Oh. Encouragement often comes through spoken words.

But as much encouragement comes through spoken words, so does discouragement. Dodoo. (Proverbs 12:18). “Reckless words pierce like a sword”. The wound that you get is emotional, and it can be deep. James describes the tongue as “a fire” (James 3:6) – and I think you also have been burned by it?  So always remember that what we say can have a profound effect on others.

We are lost without communication
So what do we learn from this? At least I realise that God made us VERY expressive beings, so we are nearly lost without communication. Our speech and our way of speaking has enormous implications. That is why we are commanded to control the tongue, to “keep [it] from evil and your lips from speaking lies” (Psalm 34:13). And as Collossians 4:6 so beautifully says it:

“Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.”

I and you never know what another person is going through, so be kind – always.

Yes, yes, yes, yes! So good! Isn’t the Bible pretty good when it comes to helping us how to live a good life?

SO this was my thoughts for today! Hope it could help you and encourage you to become the best version of yourself that you can be. And remember you are never alone. God is always there, just waiting for you, the Holy Spirit is eager to help you in everything you go through!

Take care of your heart and your mouth – and have a great week!

Hugs, Lotta

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